
미드저니 Midjourney는 텍스트로 된 설명문 또는 설명구로부터 이미지를 생성하는 인공지능 프로그램으로, DALL-E와 비슷하다. 현재는 오픈 베타 버전이다. 유료가격: $10/월 Similar to Gravity Writen How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list

챗GPT무료 옵션 

챗GPT 챗GPT는 OpenAI가 개발한 프로토타입 대화형 인공지능 챗봇이다. ChatGPT는 대형 언어 모델 GPT-3의 개선판인 GPT-3.5를 기반으로 만들어졌으며, 지도학습과 강화학습을 모두 사용해 파인 튜닝되었다.가격: 무료 옵션가격: $22/월 Similar to Gravity Writen Byword AI 챗GPT 챗GPT는 OpenAI가 개발한 프로토타입 대화형 인공지능 챗봇이다. ChatGPT는 대형 언어 모델 GPT-3의 개선판인 GPT-3.5를 기반으로 만들어졌으며, 지도학습과 강화학습을 모두… Learn more How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list

How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch

How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio on their launch strategies that helped them get 1,100+ upvotes and #2 Product of the day badge. A quick intro about Design Studio With Design Studio, you can Design, test and launch your conversation flows on all your channels in minutes. Also, you can automate your customer conversations with Generative Al. Michele launched Design Studio on Oct 19 2023 on Product Hunt and here is how their launch performed: Upvotes: 1144 Comments: 498 Rank of the Day: 2 Rank of the Week: 2 Maker Interview Hey Michele, Could you tell us a bit about your journey building Tiledesk? I joined Tiledesk (company behind Design Studio) in early 2022 as the first non-technical team member. At that time, Tiledesk had a robust live chat solution but limited market presence. Working closely with my technical co-founder, Andrea, we decided to focus on automation and began exploring new channels, such as WhatsApp Business. This allowed us to gain significant traction in the Conversational AI space. What was your goal behind launching Design Studio on Product Hunt? We had 2 goals behind our Product Hunt launch1. Drive traffic to Design Studio & get users2. Get feedback & suggestions from the community How was this launch strategy different from your previous Product Hunt launch? We learnt a couple of lessons from our previous Product Hunt launch, which were:→ The Importance of connecting with highly active people in the community and building relationships with them→ The importance of quality and quantity of upvotes for a successful launch So when we planned the launch of Design Studio:→ We involved our whole team in working on the launch and getting feedback for our product.→ We proactively build relations with the Product Hunt community. We engaged in meaningful conversations, gathered feedback, and listened to their expectations and concerns. Want a foolproof plan to launch? Get the step-by-step blueprint to rank on top of Product Hunt, followed by top makers of 2023 – with the Product Hunt Workbook → How did you choose a hunter & how did having a hunter help you? We chose Rohan as our hunter based on 2 reasons:1. His proven track record on product hunt and2. His willingness to support the Product Hunt community At what phase did you decide to launch on Product Hunt? We launched our product in the beta phase. The reason for that is:1. We wanted to get feedback from the community that would help us to enhance our product2. Also, a fixed release date will make us more focused on the critical features, and motivated to finish building the product. How did you divide the tasks among your team while preparing for the launch? We divided our team into 3 groups and assigned tasks to each of the group like this Group 1: Responsible for community engagement – They actively participated in discussions, forums, and online communities related to our product’s niche, building buzz for our Product Hunt launch. This group shared our teaser page, and sneak peeks and started collecting feedback our our launch and product. Group 2: Responsible for Promotion – These members actively promoted the launch in various relevant groups, channels, and social media platforms. Group 3: Responsible for engagement on the launch page – As comments, questions, and feedback poured in, this group responded, offering clarifications, addressing concerns, and expressing gratitude for the support and feedback received on the launch page How did you leverage product hunt community discussions to generate buzz for your launch? Product Hunt discussions played an invaluable role in our Product Hunt launch. 10 days before the launch, I and my co-maker Jovana started posting discussions every day. Initially, we posted about generate ai, but later we realized that these discussions were not broad enough. So we started posting broader discussions like maker journeys and the daily lives of startup founders. In addition to this, we actively engaged in other community discussions. These helped us to reach a diverse audience and maximize the impact of our launch. Can you share all the tasks you did to prepare for your launch? Here is a breakdown of our key tasks for the launch:1. Content Drafting: We started our launch with preparation of the initial draft of the texts and content that would be featured on our launch page. 2. Teaser Page Creation: With the launch planning in motion, we were able to create a teaser page. We shared this on our socials and with our audience to build anticipation for our launch. 3. Community Engagement: We began sharing the teaser page within our community. We reached out to individuals who had supported our previous launch efforts and those who had shown an interest in similar product launches in the past. 4. Social Media Promotion: To create a buzz around the upcoming launch, we commenced announcing new features and updates on our social media platforms. This served to generate interest and awareness among our social media followers and fans. 5. Building Relationships: In parallel, we started reaching out to valuable members of the Product Hunt community on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. This allowed us to establish connections and build a network of individuals who were willing to support our upcoming launch. 6. Community Engagement on Product Hunt: Approximately 10 to 7 days before the launch, we started participating in discussions, sharing insights, and connecting with the community. 7. Joining Community Groups: To further integrate into the Product Hunt ecosystem, we joined various Product Hunt-related groups on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram. These groups facilitated interactions and provided additional channels for building connections. Get the list of 99+ communities to share your Product Hunt launch and get support on the launch day → 8. Website Update: Three days before the launch, we went live with a new homepage for our website. So that, our visitors will get the latest information about our product on the website. 9. Content Drafting for Launch Day: In the final days leading up to

PH Community ChatHigh Impact 

PH Community Chat Connect with other makers & get support for your Product Hunt launch by joining this whatsapp group Impact: High Impact Traffic: 136 members Launch On PH Community Chat Similar to PH Community Chat How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list

Side Projectors​Medium Impact 

SideProjectors Sell, buy, show off your side projectsI Impact: Medium Impact Traffic: 22.3k Visitors/mo DA: 64 Launch On SideProjectors Similar to Gravity Write How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list

Byword AIFree Options 

Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free Options Price: $15/mo Checkout Gravity Write Similar to Gravity Write How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list

Gravity WritingPaid 

Gravity Write Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free Options Price: $15/mo Checkout Gravity Write Similar to Gravity Write How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch How Design Studio got 2000 visitors from their Product Hunt launch This week, we interviewed Michelle, founder of Design Studio… Learn more Byword AI Byword AI Create blogs, ad copies, emails, social media posts, and super charge your content with AI Pricing Plan: Free… Learn more Want to get users for your startup? Launch your startup in the 75+ places for free and acquire new users Get the list